New Family Project

I explain what I know so far about my newest class project.

Newspaper Circulation


Monday, June 3, 2013

I've actually had a pretty good time in class this year but it is time to say goodbye I hope my efforts were not all in vain and that on day some kid will stumble upon this blog and learn from my experiences and my mistakes but until then this is goodbye.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Arkyd: A crowdsourced satellite
I saw this today and like the 3d printed food article I just couldn't ignore it. I have been stalking the tech section of google news lately and this is just what happens. But there is a major space craft company that has created a kick starter to put a satellite up in space that gives access to students and just people in general. I just think this is super cool and felt like it was awesome enough that I had to share it. You can contribute to the kickstarter here: I'm actually really obsessed with kickstarter it is just such a cool idea that has been used to fund so many really incredible projects.

EDIT: there are also Arkyd infographics I mean what's not to love

Where I find infographics: Tumblr

Tumblr is a popular blogging site that I spend waaay to much time on. However over the course of the year I have been able to use this site as a source for infographics as well as inspiration for where I want to go in my blog. The blog has a lot of really cool infographics and designs. The majority of the things posted there are minimalistic which is a really popular style for infographics. Here are some of the cooler designs I have seen posted recently.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

First 3D Printed Food!
This isnt what I normally post but I thought this article was to cool to ignore. It is crazy how far science has come and how awesome it would be to eat a 3D printed pizza, even if its just protein layer flavor.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How News Sources Address Disasters

This is just how I have noticed that most news sources report on big disasters like the tornado in Oklahoma. This is mostly specific to TV and Internet sources.
1) Breaking the story- the reporter quickly explains the circumstances and any known details, there is often a lot of confusion and the details are not correct.
2) Continuing coverage- getting more details from people who are actually there, death/injury toll begins to more accurately reflect the truth. Especially on TV there is a lot of repetition to make sure new viewers know what is going on and to fill air time. This is also when #prayfor____ begins circulating around social medias and spreads more, often incorrect, details.
3) Sending the reporters- news sources end up sending someone from their syndicate to cover the story. This is usually around early night/afternoon before shows like nightly news.
4) National news- the show is basically all this event they show tons of different angles and reactions from the victims. By now basically everyone knows about it. The full destruction is understood and aid begins to roll in.
5) New developments, Aid, Conspiracy's, Manhunts, etc.- Basically any thing that needs to be resolved is during the next few weeks.
6) Going back- news sources go back to look at how the community has coped a few months later.

This is just the general essence of what I have seen happening in the news when something very dramatic happens.

How news must adapt for modern technology.
The state of the media 2013 reports by include a lot of really interesting articles about
problems facing modern journalists. It is definitely a long read but I have included the pictures because I 
think they summarize the article well. The graphs speak for themselves and if you don't have time to read
the article you should definitely check out these graphs.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Family Project

I have been googleing some of my family members names to see if I could find articles about them. My cousin Kate is one of the womens softball coaches at Hofstra University and there have been quite a few articles written about the awesome season they are having this year. This is actually her first year at this position; she used to do almost the same thing at West Point and if I can find an article from her time there i will post it.
Hofstra Softball
This article is not directly about her actions but all the ones that were about her were from Hofstras news publication and I wanted to include an article from a seperate news source.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What makes an infographic cool?
This artice thing came from the website that I get most of the infographics that I review from. I like how they analyze infographics and the making of infographics. Anyone who wants to make infographics should check this and the whole website out because it does a really good job at analyzing infographics and their features.