New Family Project

I explain what I know so far about my newest class project.

Newspaper Circulation


Friday, November 30, 2012

Youtube News Channels

I know I already posted about this topic but I think, that like I did with news websites, I should post a list of good youtube news sources. Each of these also provide links to other channels in partnership with the ones posted.


Source Fed

What's Trending



Of course these are no where near all of the channels you can find on youtube providing news. These are just a few of what I consider to be the best.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts - Ep 1

Yet another video I found about intoverts and extroverts, this topic really fascinates me. I like that this one goes into more detail about the types of introverts (shy versus calm), and adresses the issue of introverts acting like extroverts in order to fit in better.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


After hearing about someone in this class who was looking into scholarships regarding their topic I decided to see what I could find regarding journalism. There are tons of opprotunities availible but the majority (all) of them are spscifically for upperclassmen, and college students. I have found a couple that could be related to me but Im not sure if much will come out of it. Nevertheless I am looking more into it and maybe, if im lucky, something good will happen.

Writing Journalism

An article I read by The Guardian has helped me quite a bit in my pursuit to begin writing quality journalism. The biggest aspects that I took away from this article are that sucessful journalists need to be cunning, entertaining, and oftentimes able to throw out their inhibitions in order to get the good information on a topic. Articles are written very quickly and need to be very good in order to even make it into publications. If a journalist cannot deliver quality work they wont be published. Now that I know some of the characteristics of a good journalist I need to find something that describes how to write well. The easiest way to do this would probably be through my English class but I dont feel that me teacher would be a lot of help in this outlet.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Youtube Journalism

Youtube is a budding hub for journalism channels are popping up covering an extremely wide variety of news topics. This type of user-generated content is really refreshing in the modern age. Not only can the news be spread faster than ever before, youtube journalism is completely free and even presents the opprotunity for the creators to earn money based on their fanbase. Some of my favorite channels that produce this content are: SourceFed The Phillip DeFranco Show Vsauce. Professional news companies including CBS, ABC, even Youtube itself has been producing more and more news content.

Current Project Status

I havent been very acttive in this blog lately because of the time needed on my latest project. This blog needs to become a tad more active so I plan to post something at least once a week. To catch you up from last time. I have finished If It Bleeds It Leads, it got a bit repititive towards the end but it was a good book and I'm glad to have read it because it will also be able to help me in my english paper which involves propaganda. The information, and final result of this paper will also be posted here. Im working on the feature on the blogger format that allows posts to be sent at a specific time so if I can manage that I will write a ton of posts when I'm free and post them when need be.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Love and Hate Chapter Two

Below is my latest post to my group blog. Honestly I think this edition is rather sub-par but I plan on working on different journalistic writing techniques to prevent this. 

Hate is a powerful emotion.  Election season brings out the most hate, and anger in people than any other time. Opposing beliefs bring can bring out the worst in people. In the digital age Facebook, Twitter, and other social medias provide a platform for political debates. Democrats and republicans are often very fervent in their beliefs and refuse to back down when challenged by citizens that support the opposite party. These "debates" often turn nasty and end in anger.

However the hate and anger displayed during, and after an election never seem to last long. Several days or weeks of rage seem to disappear in an instant. For the next four years there will be much less fighting between parties, at least at the average citizens level. But not too long from now everyone will suddenly develop a political view akin to that of Bill O'reilly, and Steven Colbert. When that happens the political hate will begin to flow again, trampling everything that gets in its way.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New Project Alert!!

I have been working on a new project regarding assesment literacy in my gifted is our progress thus far.

For updates look on our new blog.
Task/Project Statement
We plan to implement a program which will allow students to meet with a teacher after tests or quizzes. In this meeting they will discuss what the student is struggling with and how the student can work to improve on these areas. Assignment(s) will be given to practice these techniques and credit will be given towards the students grade as an incentive to participate in the program.  

Who is most affected by the problem?
Students who are not told why or how they can improve when they fail who then continue to fail due to a lack of motivation, and knowledge.

How does this affect the daily school environment?
Students are given the tools necessary to continue on a path to success with their studies. Their grades will begin to improve in the subjects that this program is implemented.


Students could get so used to the help they are getting they do not try very hard. -> Grade improvement should not be so drastic that the student doesn’t need to try in order to succeed. Instead of going from a D to an A, a student would be able to go from a D to a C at most.

Lack of participation due to laziness -> Stress the importance of the grade in the long run and how coming in can improve it and how grades can influence a future educational experience in colleges and universities. Try to affect their apathetic mindset. Appeal to students

Teachers may be unwilling to implement our problem -> Appeal to the teacher regarding the benefits of the program and why it is important to the students

Despite drawbacks is your project “worth it?”
We believe our project is, in fact, worth the shortcomings it presents. Steps will be taken to prevent the drawbacks from disrupting the success of the program. Schools should provide students with all the tools necessary in order to achieve great accomplishments in school and in life.

How can you change your project to lessen these problems?
The best way to find problems that need to be changed in our project is by talking with students, and teachers involved in this program.  After these discussions we will deliberate as a group the feedback we receive and the steps that need to be taken in order to transform these ideas into new practices.
What are the negative effects of the problem?
People are failing  their classes because they have too little motivation to try and succeed because they do not know why they are failing; which is a direct result of the  inadequacy of the currently implemented testing process.

How does the problem affect the school?
There are a lot of quizzes and tests students get that they don’t understand, or just don’t do well. They should have the chance to try to learn the material at their own pace.