Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Future Of Mobile News

The Future Of Modern News

I can really relate to this article because, like the majority of americans, I am basically attached at the hip to my various moble devises. Falling into the 50% that own both a tablet and smartphone, I am hardpressed to find remember times during my day when I'm not on one or the other. The influx of technology in my life has really had almost all positive effects. I am able to take in more information, faster, than ever before. Adressing the problem of users mostly utilizing these features at home, I'm just to scared to go over the mobile data limit to use my phone constantly. But thats only attributed to verizon forcibly taking away my unlimited data.

In summary this study says:

  • The advent of the new lower-priced tablets in late 2011 brought in a new crop of tablet owners. 
  • Rather than replacing old technology, the introduction of new devices and formats is creating a new kind of "multi-platform" news consumer.
  • There is growing evidence that mobile devices are adding to how much news people get. 
  • People who get news on both a smartphone and a tablet may carry added appeal for news organizations. 
  • Similarly, those who get news throughout the day on their mobile devices are more engaged news consumers
  • Two distinct news audiences have emerged on tablets-new-found digital customers and customers who also remain loyal to the print product.
  • People notice ads on mobile devices and may be even more likely to click on them than they are to click on other digital ads. There has been movement over the last year toward using the browser rather than apps for tablet news consumption. 


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