Monday, January 28, 2013

Oberhaeuser Info Graphics

Oberhaeuser a company that seems to be based out of Germany has produced some of the best info graphics I have ever seen. Their slogan "Information is beautiful" doesn't even begin to describe the quality of some of their work. The mix of unique design, simplicity, and bright eye catching colors make their designs really stand out among others that I have seen.

This image which displays a calender is really intriguing. Each ring represents a month and important holidays are marked in a different color. I have seen a lot of really unique calender designs and I think this one stands out as one of my favorites because it looks like a piece of art while still maintaining the functionality of a calender.

My favorite design is this encyclopedia. It combines the structure of a book with the key features of a book. As a child I loved to read books like these because they taught me things using images and words. I feel like as you get older books with these features become looked down upon. With the popularity of new news medias and the unwillingness to read large blocks of text I think, or at least hope, books like this will become more popular. They engage the reader so that they are interested to learn and make reading an encyclopedia seem less like a chore and more like a hobby (activity?). 
As I write this it seems like I could be explaining a children's book. They tend to use the same techniques as I am describing here. Learning is a very important part in childhood, maybe if more books were structured this way people would be able to learn complicated concepts easier. 


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