I would like to thank Lee Filas of the Daily Herald for answering my questions about journalism.
Why did you decide to go into journalism?
[Filas, Lee] I chose journalism because I wanted to make a difference in society. Journalists have long been the public watch dogs, and been on the front lines, fighting for what is right - and wrong - in society.
How long have you been a journalist?
[Filas, Lee] It depends on the criteria. I became a part time journalist (a stringer) for a local paper while I worked in high school, so 1986. However, I didn't become a full time journalist until 1996.
What did you study in college?
[Filas, Lee] I was an English major at Columbia College of Chicago, though I took a few journalism courses while I was there.
What topics do you write about the most?
[Filas, Lee] Today, I work as the Lake County courts and police reporter for the Daily Herald, so I handle a lot of crime stories and a lot of court stories.
How do you feel about the shift in popularity, from newspapers to Internet publications?
[Filas, Lee] I feel as though technology has raced a head of the newspaper world and journalists/newspapers need to catch up or be left behind.
How do you find facts or information for your articles?
[Filas, Lee] This is really a broad question, but I get my facts through interviews, through information gathered on whatever topic I am covering, or by digging it up and counting it myself. For example, today I am writing about a man from Libertyville who was found guilty of theft from a charity. In order to get my facts, I will go to the courtroom and sit in on the trial, then interview the Assistant States Attorney. Then, if needed, I'll go review a law book to discover how long a maximum jail sentence the person may receive.
If you could have any job pertaining to journalism, what would you choose?[Filas, Lee] The one I'm doing. I love being a court room reporter and covering crime.
What advice do you have for someone who wants to go into a field of work involving writing (journalism, author, teacher, etc.)?
[Filas, Lee] Adapt or die. Have the ability to roll with life's changes or else you will be left behind. Also, never take yourself too seriously...