Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pew Project For Excellence in Journalism

The Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism

I have recently stumbled upon The Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism. It seems to be an organization thats main focus is "trying to understand the information revolution." Their goals seem to be very similar to mine. A paragraph from their overview section states

 "Our goal is to help both the journalists who produce the news and the citizens who consume it develop a better understanding of what the press is delivering, how the media are changing, and what forces are shaping those changes. We have emphasized empirical research in the belief that quantifying what is occurring in the press, rather than merely offering criticism, is a better approach to understanding."

Their views are, as close as possible, nonpartisan. PEW also conducts a lot of studies and writes articles discussing the state of modern news.

I will definitely be posting some of the thinks I find there on here because they have done some great work. 


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