Friday, February 1, 2013

Journalism Analysis Project: Infographics

Infographics are the first form of media I will be analyzing in relationship to the Newtown tragedy for my project. There are a lot of different infographics focusing on this topic. Many are about the gun laws that have come "under fire" as a result of this event. I will, however, be focusing on the infographics that show a broad description of the shooting as that is the topic of all of the articles I have collected thus far.

This was one of the first infographics I came across in my research. I was surprised at how quickly it was created; I say this because you can see that under number one it says that "his mother taught kindergarten at the school." When this event was first recorded many people believed that she was a teacher. However, soon afterwards it was revealed that she did not teach there. That "fact" was reported my many news outlets during the confusion following the shooting. 
I like that there are a lot of details included in this infographic. It explains the events very well to someone who may not have already known them. If this is the only thing that you have read about the shooting you may be more inclined to look for more information via other articles. This effect is basically the most important goal of infographics, to draw you in and make you want to learn more. 
The design of this infographic is rather simplistic. Because it was probably made in a rush, I can understand why it is this way. Your eye isn't really drawn to anything in this infographic at first glance. the colors are not very bold which makes the images blend in to the background. Where all the text has been placed makes the infographic slightly hard to read. The movement is very inorganic. Instead of having a left to right or up to down reading motion, the information is presented in a way that makes you have to look with a weird mix of the two. If this doesn't make sense take a look at the four steps that are presented.  While going from one to two you probably looked at the images and other side information. Then from two to three there is another image on the side; it would be more beneficial to have all the steps next to each other and the images later. 
If I was grading this I would probably give it a 7/ 10

To be continued.....


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