Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Project: What Is It? What Am I Doing?

So I was looking at what I had posted regarding the family gifted project and I realize that I never actually said what it was. The family project is almost a compilation of the work we have done thus far in gifted. We will be taking all the things we have and are learning and find a way to infuse an element of our family. Like I said previously I don't know exactly what I will be doing but you can find all the latest information on this new project on the Family Project tab in the page bar thing.

This weekend I spoke to me mom about the jobs of my family members. As it turns out my great aunt and uncle are journalism majors, my father  majored in communications and wanted to be a radio broadcaster, lastly my grandfather was a writer for some sort of business but my mom didn't know.
I'm not sure what exactly I am going to be doing but I have a lot of avenues open for exploration. Before I jump into anything I want to create a specific project, ideally with some sort of physical end-product.

I am not sure how this will effect the rest of the content coming into my blog but ideally any interference will be minimal.


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