Thursday, January 24, 2013

Where Journalists Risk Their Lives to Report

This article by the PEW really opened my eyes to the danger journalists can face and the risks they are willing to face in order to deliver the news. I am definitely not surprised that the most deaths come from the middle east. Its danger creates some of the most interesting and important news, but at what price? As conflicts run their course it seems there is constantly a new one to take place of the last.
The major conflict this year, in Syria, drew a lot of journalists from all around the world. If there wasn't such a thirst for knowledge pertaining to these conflicts the amount of deaths would certainly be much lower. The digital revolution of journalism plays an important role in the deceased peoples lives and their untimely deaths. Never before have their been more news outlets as well as more journalists needed to cover the news.
Killings are also being published much more. When a mass shooting happens many people speak out about copycat killers which can get ideas from the extensive coverage of these events. Although I believe that it is important for people to know what is happening in dangerous war zones such as the ones portrayed in this article. The coverage of these events could be encouraging more people to commit similar acts.
Regarding the design of this particular infographic, I like that there are many types of graphs but they aren't all suited to display the information well.

Where Journalists Risk Their Lives To Report


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